
TheOpenVPNcommunitysharestheopensourceOpenVPN.DownloadthelatestversionoftheopensourceVPNreleaseOpenVPN2.6.3forasecurenetwork.,OpenVPN'sConnectClientisavailablefor:Windows.MacOS.Android.iOS.ChromeOS.RefertoUserDocumentation-ImportingProfileforusingOpenVPNConnect ...,ThisistheofficialOpenVPNConnectclientsoftwareforWindowsdevelopedandmaintainedbyOpenVPNInc.Thisistherecommendedclientprogramforthe ...

Community Downloads

The OpenVPN community shares the open source OpenVPN. Download the latest version of the open source VPN release OpenVPN 2.6.3 for a secure network.

OpenVPN Connect

OpenVPN's Connect Client is available for: Windows. MacOS. Android. iOS. ChromeOS. Refer to User Documentation - Importing Profile for using OpenVPN Connect ...

OpenVPN Connect

This is the official OpenVPN Connect client software for Windows developed and maintained by OpenVPN Inc. This is the recommended client program for the ...

OpenVPN Connect

Download the official OpenVPN Connect client VPN software for your operating system, developed and maintained by our experts. Get started with our VPN software.

OpenVPN Connect

OpenVPN's Connect client software for Mac OS is developed and maintained by our experts. Learn how to set up vpn software for MacOS with our guide below.

OpenVPN for Android

Openvpn for Android is an open source client based on the open source OpenVPN project. It uses the VPNService API of Android 4.0+ and requires neither ...

OPENVPN 的設定及用戶端安裝教學

以上完成OPEN VPN 設備端的設定。 用戶端安裝,以windows 10 為例: 1.使用的軟體​ 所提供, ...

使用OpenVPN 用戶端連線

您可以使用一般OpenVPN 用戶端應用程式連線到Client VPN 端點。

在App Store 上的「OpenVPN Connect

The OpenVPN Connect app does NOT independently provide a VPN service. It is a client application that establishes and transports data over an encrypted secure ...

如何將您的設備連接到OpenVPN伺服器?(For Android)

2023年10月26日 — 您可以請OpenVPN 伺服器的管理者提供包含[client.ovpn檔案]的email給您,並在您的Android設備開啟[.ovpn檔案]. 若您的OpenVPN 伺服器是使用華碩路由器,可 ...

OpenVPN Windows 設定教學,旅居大陸翻牆必備

OpenVPN Windows 設定教學,旅居大陸翻牆必備
